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Acquired Yearbooks

From a DCR Pile to a Locker

This all started back when our President followed some of his fellow "Yearbookers" down to the Drama Department. They were clearing out a lot of yearbooks from their storage closet. He was going to pick up Stepping Stone 2022 but Stepping Stone 1982 caught his eye. He picked up the book and left. Fast forward a few days and two Archives Room trips and he overheard the Drama teacher say, "I'll send two students back there [the Archives Room] to clean it up for you guys". Although this irritated him, he took it as an opportunity. His next book was Stepping Stone 1995. He got this book when the Archives Room was being cleared out and the stack was on the Circulation Desk in the Media Center. The next day, the Drama teacher had a cart outside his room, and he was giving out all the books. After some time, all the surplus books were added to the DCR pile in the Media Center. For a whole week, our President walked in and searched the pile for yearbooks that weren't in his locker. It got to the point where he had to get a new locker to hold the twenty-seven books that he found. After the Fall Festival, the DCR pile was hauled away and all the books we didn’t save (we got two copies of every yearbook that was in the pile) went away to somewhere unknown to us.


Below are all the yearbooks we have acquired from the Archives Room clearout, were gifted, or books we have bought ourselves.

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